
  Friday saw the launch of Babette Wasserman Jewellery on the 4th floor, Way In at Harrods Knightsbridge. Ideally located…

Editor’s Choice, now in its third year, is a UK competition that recognizes and showcases jewellery designers and producers exhibiting…

        We launched our new beautiful Cufflink collection in Florence at the renowned Pitti Uomo Show in…

   The infamous Italian co-medy actor Lino Banfi wore our cufflinks in the recent episodes of  “Il commissario Zagaria”.  Lino…

I am so thrilled to announce that we have been shortlisted as ‘Brand of the Year’ at this year’s UK…

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Barbara Charone, whom I recently met at the Rufus Wainwright concert at the Albert Hall (London) kindly offered to hand carry…

Along with 7 other British designers, I was asked to design the ring for the Princess Catherine Doll!  The dazzling…

Our lovely customer Adina Buzatu celebrated her birthday this week in Bucharest.  The style queen of Romania dresses most of the…

The Jewellery Show

  Babette Wasserman catwalk at The Jewellery Show Feb 2011 We exhibited our SS11 jewellery and cuffflink ranges at The…

 A handbag heroine who fought off robbers armed with sledgehammers as they attempted to raid one of our customer’s shop Michael…

We will be launching our brand new sterling silver jewellery line at the Birmingham Spring Fair trade show.   Watch out…

We will be selling our beautiful Jewellery and Cufflinks at the Electric House Wednesday 1st december from 9.30am until 6pm….