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Handbag Heroine

Handbag Heroine A handbag heroine who fought off robbers armed with sledgehammers as they attempted to raid one of our customer’s shop Michael Jones Jewellers in Northampton.  Footage filmed by a passer-by shows six men attempting to break the glass windows and steal jewellery when a pensioner runs accross the street and starts hitting members of the gang armed with only her handbag,  forcing them to retreat and make a get away on their scooters!  This lady is our hero!  On Sky News Luke Allebone, the shop owner was interviewed luckily for us right in front of our Babette Wasserman jewellery window!  See the link on Sky News, scroll half way down to view the interview.  Luckily everyone at Michael Jones Jewellers are unhurt and four of the robbers have been arrested.  We are considering employing the brave pensioner as our head of security!

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