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The Beauty of Renewing Heirloom Jewels

One of the most beautiful characteristics of heirloom jewellery is its sentimental value. With each wear, we remember the past and make new memories tied to that special jewel. This certainly is the case for Queen Elizabeth II. For their engagement, the Duke of Edinburgh presented the queen with a ring made with diamonds from a tiara that belonged to his mother, Princess Andrew of Greece and Denmark. In a true romantic gesture, Prince Phillip also gifted his wife with a gorgeous bracelet holding diamonds from the same tiara.

Above photos: Royal Collection/Leslie Field

Since the royal engagement in 1947, Queen Elizabeth II has been seen wearing the bracelet and ring countless times. We can only imagine the memories that have been made while wearing these jewels in the last 70 years. These refreshed heirlooms embody the meaning of love.

But repurposed jewels are not just for royals. At Babette Wasserman, we will work with you to create the perfect piece to wear for years to come. Babette has worked with many clients to refresh vintage pieces and she will help you design the jewellery of your dreams. Here is a look at a few of the repurposed jewels Babette has produced.

Charlotte & Matteo

Charlotte and Matteo came to Babette with an heirloom ring and wished to reuse the stones and yellow gold to create an engagement ring. Babette worked with them to create an engagement ring and wedding band that suited the couple’s style and honoured the original stones.


Shelley wished to repurpose an exquisite 2.36ct diamond as the central stone of this fabulous Art Deco ring. Babette complemented the stone with 46 Brilliant Cut Round Diamonds, 16 Baguette Diamonds, and 18ct White Gold. The result was this stunning ring that gives the centre diamond the limelight.


Who said you can only repurpose vintage jewellery? Bonita came to Babette Wasserman with the hopes to give her boyfriend a gift, after supporting her climb of the world’s second highest mountain, K2. Bonita had collected rocks during her journey in Pakistan, which were used to create these unique cufflinks with sentimental value.

A bespoke jewel with repurposed materials will quickly become a staple in your jewellery box. Jewellery holds special value for each person. At Babette Wasserman, we will work with you to create a jewel that you can love dearly for years. Contact us today to begin the journey of refreshing your vintage jewellery!

Read the full article about the queen’s repurposed wedding jewels here.